(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
VjCD0100ChemDraw,hJ@n  O :;E<J  BCD a  ~_9ffx# ()*+(, -.####2Arialx'3'3e('3dd'`  Chemical Formula: Exact Mass: Molecular Weight: m/z: Elemental Analysis: Boiling Point: Melting Point: Critical Temp: Critical Pres: Critical Vol: Gibbs Energy: Log P: MR: Henry's Law: Heat of Form: tPSA: CLogP: CMR: LogS: pKa:     #f8##V~P`H̬{ H,~PoPk +:^i} 7-:^ /7#TH H7uv7#TH+w-J+x^ yvwzxv7CW}.~P}.\W#aOMe1=hH H7|}=hH+~=hș+!^ }~}=7k}.rd}.Pk#aOMe57#T=w #+H77CWxќPo7CWx#aBr.  +- 0  -/ 2  -1 6  +5 , y`H,p`H̬{ 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label)1. NaH, DMF, 100 CW `H3Ǖ I<w7YPݤ ;۹O^ H7۹O^+[O^۹R[O^۹i Y`w7YPUY`#aTMS=۹i 7?۹Yu 7A۹ހ 7Ew #+H7XOݤ#aBr>  ;= @  =? B  ?A F  AE %`H `Ȟ3Ǖ 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label '=&2. NaH, 1:1.5 DMF/THF 0 to 25 C wl:D. ?q@& ~H7gh?q@&+i?qf+jdl-+k#eX@&+ln}l- mjknhiohjplh,u)wl3Sw)#aCO2Me!}3s- 7#1@& H7rs1@&+tul-+u1f+vu+w}l- xuvystzsu{ws)~:D)#aCO2Me" ! $ !# Jvr-1 K@w H7}M@w N?wf& +H,{?vr?eF{ # aOOj̬ +H]neJfen2# aOP#e^ Qn̬  R OPS MNT MOU QM,{wr3S}#aCO2Med3 e1 H7~X1 Yu̬ +HAeeۤ2# aOZ1f& +H?~?m7 # aO[u \Ã̬  ] Z[^ XY_ XZ` \X~:D#aCO2Mes?wf 7u?wL 7{1f 7}1L   H7 +Kw2S+%2S O/龇O#aOMe  H7 ++<2S W!O#aOMe?w2 7?w H7?w+?w1s-eh?w ,{ vr 2S{-1#aTMSg Kd h de t ds v su | d{ ~ {}  }  }  u   v7t>/m  cx bH7x Pxff Q+Hˬ|v7te|L# aORl R+H]?pegeXp2# aO#_ Sn- T  U V W X̬|Yw7t>3~Y#aCO2Me83 d fH7 Yu Z+HA e앙e$2# aOff [+Hӝ~(mL# aOu9 \C ]  ^ _ ` aӝY~(>:ėY#aCO2Mexf& h7x̌ j7f& l7̌ nx2 t7xY vH7xY G+Hˬ|Yv7tq 2|#aSiY Hx1 IefjY Jx K  L M N Oˬ|L v7tL 2|m #aTMS8 x+H7O%e&̀e&O%%_# aH) z+H7V/e# aO e  g  i  k  m  o  u  w  y  {q   33r 7AG6-| "™6-| +H7"yyL# aO 9' 9' 7AG=- \ H7\ f&N +H?Jvw?Je R# aO̬c +H]e_ e_2g# aO#%\ nm ̬c      `ww>3`#aCO2Mex 3c \ H7\ u^$̬c +HAK(e_e_d(2g# aOf&N +H?J~h?Jm R# aOu^$F  ̬c      `~h>:`#aCO2Mefj 7Ly 7fj 7Ly 7 2 7  H7  +Hvwq]2՚#aSi Y  1s e             vw 2-#aTMSi$ !i$d 7# 0Ly %Z= 7' 0fj +H74fY,fs4n# aO                      $"" ! $ # & #% ( #'/vKfA- X0i WH74i E5f&[ F+Hl?Wv?We _# aO6̬p G+H]elel2t# aO7#i H8n ̬p I 9 J67: K45; L46< M84lmwK3m#aCO2Me= 3p Y>qi [H7@qi NAu%̬p O+HA)elU!el)2t# aOBqf&[ P+H]?W~?Wmw _# aOCu%S QD ̬p R E SBCF T@AG U@BH VD@]m~K:m#aCO2MeIfw ]7JL _7Kqfw a7LqL c7M2 e7N gH7P <+Hlvq]2է#aSiQ =R1s >Se& ?T @ U APQV BPRW CPSX DTPl v 2-#aTMSY% iZ%d k7[ b2L m} b2fw H7 b2ew+%p+%_b'}p b223[%eT/23[ b2? 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F / G 1 H 3 I 5J 7 K 9 L ;2 M = 7 N ?8 O A 9 YXLd: KX]fF JH7ܚ+;ff+;CAQh!Ӱ;Qh! fftaXLd: #`LiHBEt33o,ifF&\' 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label dkwTotal synthesis of Repraesentin F and Configuration Reassignment by a Gold(I)-Catalyzed Cyclization Cascade 5:̬,:,8| 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label&Ferrer, S., Echavarren, A. G-`>- Jbι 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this labelf Org.Lett, 2018, 20, 57845788)yčpc |@} 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this labelPTSAM MY 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this labelI 10:1 acetone/H2O 70 C@@rL@rL@n 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label3KOtBu, 18-crown-6 THF, -78 C+@LL h 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label$N `"#1. TBSOTf, Et3N Et2O, 0 to 25 C-, #̌E|(  8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label*T`")2. Et2Zn, CH2I2 CH2Cl2 -60 to 0 C@L" E@ 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label?`1. K2CO3, MeOH, 25 C)  7&2 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this labelQ`2. nBuLi THF, -78 C Ac2O=zi qi @ 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label )`Et2O 40C?@X LO ZJ 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this labelcat. 0.5 mol %̪sb ]8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label F `1. Pd/C, H2 AcOEt, 45 Čh) ^8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label \  2. LiAlH4 Et2O, 0 to 25 Cp@LL  &ChemDraw can't interpret this label.`SnBu2O TsCl, Et3Nq@@" 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label-`  Ch2Cl2, 25 Cuvm̄*G 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label$ THF 0 to 25 CX O f jR /8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label"8!1. TBSCl, imidazole DMF, 70 C|sw7j 08Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label/Y`-.2. Dess-Martin periodane CH2Cl2, 0 to 25 C @ @ Y 8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label *TBAF, THF 0 to 25 CRZ y̌Q y fJ D8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label   *0P *Grennari modification of HornerWadsworthEmmonsS\ Š^S> E8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label4SimmonsSmith cyclopropanationT@ @̌@ F8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label%concomitant epimerizationUtkLws G8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label&gold catalyzed cyclizationZH`x>`xJ] L8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this labelrepraesentin F[``l`5 M8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label52% over two steps\``l`e N8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label81%]`RwlIlgl` O8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label  89% 6:1 Z:E^ X`J,O`J̬Zǡ P8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label85% over two steps_ X,O̬Z Q8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label68% over two steps`  p, p̬  R8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label72% (main product)a  r, r̬  S8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label49% over two stepsb T,T̬   T8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label63% (main product)c`̬`, U8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label56% (main product)dp̬p,G V8Chemical Interpretation is not possible for this label84% over two stepsP P`E    P5PI .   @AT3   < X2    A @@.T23 |  < X2    . @ح@`@` }   @`P: ~ )@F2'   < X2   k  k@F*@@    .K3333   < X2   YY5 Y5 YK@@6    @F2? 0  < X2     @F6]ff^䒙ff^   " <7䒙ff]ff   " <A2>   < X2   قL L قD@S@    Wy% \   *33 _  < X2   9 *9 *3s3 `  < X2   y *y '      (E@2s)   < X2   Ym @ YmEr`j@`j_    s`j_a)_  ,@:2so -  < X2   Yj @j Y,`j;`jb .   @    Pl923P B  < X2    i  i Q@232s C  < X2   Yy @y Y    J  V, W% J          / * + -S /      E D U_ =;? 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